Happy Bottom welcomes certificated pilots as well as those pursing their initial certificates (student pilots). Membership currently boasts those with over 3,000 hours and those with 3 hours and growing. Part of our mission is to enable and promote aviation within the valley, and our membership rates allow us to do just that.
Bylaw stipulations require a certain ratio of members to aircraft owned or leased to the club. This ensures the flying schedule does not become oversaturated, where members can enjoy the ability to schedule a plane well in advance or at the last minute. Currently (as of December 2023) there is no wait list for certificated pilots though this is likely to change so we encourage those who are interested to apply now.
Happy Bottom has several approved flight instructors who can complete a variety of certificates, ratings and endorsements, however due to demand these instructors are currently unable to take on additional club member students. Those that do not currently have a pilot certificate are still encouraged to apply and we will get back in touch when an instructor becomes available. We do our best to respond to applications and email inquiries within 2 weeks, but we ask for your patience, as this is an entirely volunteer-run venture.
We encourage you to apply early to reserve a spot on the waiting list (when applicable) and we will reach out to you once a spot is open. For student pilots, we also encourage completion of your certificate elsewhere if a spot/approved club CFI is unavailable, and ask that you update us once your certificate is complete. This will allow us to prioritize your application over students pilots as a primary CFI is not required.
If you have any questions about the application process for HBFC don’t hesitate to reach out!
To apply, fill out the application here and send it to hbfcflying@gmail.com. We also highly encourage you to attach a letter of recommendation from a current club member or anyone that can speak to your character that is in aviation or knows you well. During the application process you’re expected to get to know membership and the opportunity for membership to get to know you. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter via this website to get up to date news on club meetings and events.
Happy Bottom is an equity club, which means that all members are owners. This requires each member to commit an initial one time buy-in. Additionally, members are responsible for monthly dues at various rates depending on their own specific needs. Members are also responsible for flight hours incurred at their selected rate, instruction or checkout time with a club CFI at the instructor’s set rate, if required, and any fuel burned during every flight.
The buy-in for the club is $500 with some flexibility in the time frame for the initial payment (reach out info@hbflyingclub.com for details).
Standard dues
The standard dues are $300 per month, due at the beginning of each month. Those who choose the standard dues option will be charged the standard hourly rate for use of the airplanes.
Beginning in July, we will adopt a new rate structure in which the standard dues will be reducing to only $250 per month.
Casual dues
The alternate dues option caters toward pilots who anticipate flying fewer hours per month (specifically it is beneficial for those who fly fewer than 3 1/3 hours per month). Casual members will only pay $200 per month in dues, but pay an extra $30 per flight hour.
Beginning July, we will adopt a new rate structure where the casual dues will be reducing to $175 per month, and the first $50 of that monthly fee will be applied to aircraft hours if that member flies during the month. This means that if the casual member flies at least an hour or so in a given month, the dues are effectively $125.
Associate CFI
HBFC allows associate CFIs to instruct members in club aircraft, even if the CFI is not a member. Associate CFIs are required to complete a checkout flight with the chief pilot in each of the club aircraft in which they plan to instruct, must meet all club insurance requirements, and are expected to meet all applicable bylaw stipulations and standards as set by the chief pilot and club as a whole. Associate CFIs do not incur any sort of buy-in or dues requirement, but may only instruct in HBFC aircraft with approved members and do not have aircraft privileges outside of instructional flights. The CFI is responsible for maintaining their own currency and meeting FAA requirements for the certificate held.
If you are interested in becoming an associate instructor with the club please email us; we are particularly looking for CFIs interested in teaching for private pilot certificates and instrument ratings.
Prospective members are welcome to take advantage of getting to know our airplanes once the club receives their application. Information about discovery flights will be sent via the email that confirms receipt of your application. Please note that non-members may not take the flight controls of club aircraft at any time, so these flights will not count toward any loggable time.
Piper Cherokee
Standard: $55 Alternate: $85
Vans RV-12
Standard: $45 Alternate: $75
Beginning in July 2024, we are adopting a new rate structure with higher hourly rates, but lower monthly dues (see Membership rates section).
Piper Cherokee
Standard: $60 Alternate: $110
Vans RV-12
Standard: $50 Alternate: $100
Note: All hourly rates are dry; members are responsible for the cost of any fuel burned during flight.
If you would like to get to know the club better or are waiting for a spot to open, we invite you to subscribe to our mailing list for social events, club meetings and more!
© 2025 HBFC